Rosanne Bostonian

August 31, 2022

Human “Being”

young man lying on a sofa

The place of “being” (without doing something) is a guilty spot. In fact, if we aren’t doing something, we’re “wasting time,” and if we aren’t doing something, we’re thinking about what we just did or what we’re going to do next.

The result of this is a mad dash through time and space until something takes us down. The emergency take-down occurs through illness or some other calamity. Our earth suits (bodies) want the being place of stillness. They get tired and frantic thinking or running ragged in the spaces around them.

If we’re not running ragged, we are thinking. The Buddhists refer to this as “monkey mind.” The term conjures up monkeys chattering and flying through the treetops of time for no rhyme nor reason. Our minds grab onto any available thought like monkeys grab branches in their immediate vicinity. Frenetic internal movement and to-do lists that never get completed because there is “that other thing I forgot.”

Nature moves slowly and we are of Nature. The notion of more and faster goes against Natural Rhythms. The idea of results ruling with little respect for process is a killer.

If you read this, I hope you did so slowly, carefully and took time to breathe.

With love, Rosanne

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